Thursday, August 18, 2011

Junior Research Fellowship Eligibility for Lectureship (NET) Joint CSIR-UGC Test on December 2011

CSIR-UGC (Net) Exam
Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship

Applications are invited from eligible candidates either through Application Form available in the aforesaid Bank branches Or Online at website. The candidate applying online will be required to deposit the requisite Examination Fee through Bank challan in any of the Indian Bank branches throughout the country. The Application Form and Information Bulletin for this test will be available in the designated Branches of Indian Bank and Oriental Bank of Commerce from 16.08.2011 to 05.09.2011.

CSIR will hold Joint CSIR-UGC Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship (NET) December, 2011 on Sunday the 18th December, 2011.
For complete information of this test, list of designated bank branches etc., candidate may refer our notification No. 10-2(5)/2011 (ii)-E.U.-ll to be published in Employment News dated 13-19 August, 2011 may also be seen.
Duly completed OMR application and duly completed hard copy of online submitted application form, with all enclosures should be sent to envelope Address:
Sr. Controller of Examination
Examination Unit
HRDG, CSIR Complex
Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi-110012
Last date: Application should reach the above address on or before 9th September 2011 & 9th September 2011 for remote areas
Result: Joint CSIR-UGC Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship, National Eligibility Test (NET) held on 19th June, 2011. Roll Numbers of the successful candidates are available on CSIR HRDG website