Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
(An autonomous Body of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India)
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Job Call For: Scientist B
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to the following posts for filling up of various vacancies in the Central Silk Board.
Scientist B - Vacancies: 13 Posts (UR-06 SC-03 ST- 02 OBC-01 PH- 01)
SFE (Forest Ecology) - 03 Posts (UR-01 SC-1 ST-01)
SEM (Environment Management) - 02 Posts (UR-01 SC-01)
SCT (Chemistry) - 01 Post (PH-01)
SSTS (Statistics) - 01 Post (UR-01)
SIT (Information Technology) - 01 Post (ST-01)
SHYD (Hydrology) - 05 Posts (UR-03 SC-01 OBC-01)
Qualification: M.Sc. First class in relevant specialization
Preference: Ph.D. degree in relevant subject
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 GP Rs.5,400/-P.M
Age Limit: 30 years (as on 15.09.2011)
Application Fees: Rs.200/-(Rupees two hundred only) through bank
Demand Draft drawn in favor of the “Drawing & Disbursing Officer (DDO), ICFRE” payable at Dehradun
application typed on A-4 size paper as per the
How to Apply: Completed application typed on A-4 size paper as per the prescribed format given at Annexure-A in the prescribed format with required enclosures should be sent to envelope Address:
Assistant Director General (Recruitment Board)
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, P.O.
New Forest, Dehradun-248 006, Uttarakhand.
Last date: Application should reach the above address on or before 15 September, 2011
Visit: For further Information & Application Details